WORKSHOP: Nuovi processi e tecnologie per il dubbing, l’audio immersivo e introduzione all’OSC


locandina master


Nuovi processi e tecnologie  per il dubbing, l’audio immersivo e introduzione all’OSC.

SPEAKER: Franco Fraccastoro


  • Doppiaggio  e localizzazione dei video games
  • Il protocollo ttel
  • Il software in API EDUcue
  • Nuovo workflow per l’audio immersivo
  • OSC per il controllo remoto e in real time di oggetti audio 3D
  • New features di Nuendo 12 per la post e realizzazione di suondtrack

AULA Master (P10) – Facolta di lettere e Filosofia –  Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata

ore 10.30

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foto 2021 FraccastoroJPG-1

Franco Fraccastoro:

He graduated in Classical Guitar and in Musicology at the University of Bologna.

He attended the Post-Graduate course in Environments and community for online learning / Manager Online Training (and Learning),  University of Florence and completed the Master in Sound Engineering, University of Rome, Tor Vergata.

He completed, the course of Audio Post Production for Film and TV – Berklee University of Boston and Sound Design and Music for Immersive Media– Columbia Collage of Chicago. 

He worked, as a musician, with various studios in Italy and UK playing even in live gigs with pop rock and classical ensembles. As a sound engineer, he worked either in the studio and live.

Today he regularly holds seminars and conferences, concerning music production, Audio for VR, Game and Post in many Universities and Education Center all over the Europe such as Politecnico of Milan, Székesfehérvár Orchestra center, Musicology University of Cremona, SAE Barcellona, SAE Madrid, Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche, SSR Manchester etc. 

He is a teacher in many Institutions like Tor Vergata University of Rome, SAE Campus Brussels, VHEIT University, Department of Digital Arts, Animation and Videogames,  Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado Milan.

Producer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalists, sound engineer he works for Sugar, Wea, Warner Music, Dim Mak, Ultra, Kannibalen Records and other labels collaborating with Italian and International artists. He works in the post-production sector realizing some important trailer, spot and ADS – eg: Fiat. 

In 2016 he opened a new company, focus on  music production, immersive audio and artists promotion: he wrote a book with the title “Il suono immersivo” “Immersive sound” and a lot of papers about this topic published by various publishers such as Libra.

He is Education Development & Product Specialist for Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH working, particularly, in the MI and Pro-Audio.


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